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Gibraltar is situated at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. It is recognised historically as the southernmost point of Europe and is also strategically positioned at the western end of the Mediterranean, forming one of the ancient Pillars of Hercules. The nearby countries are Spain to the north and Morocco (North Africa) to the south, on the other side of the strait 24 kilometres (15 miles) away. The Rock is mainly Jurassic Limestone some 200 million years old.

  • Latitude 36 7’ North, longitude 5 21’ West.

  • Height: 426m (1400ft) - highest point is at O’Hara’s Battery.

  • Length: 5 km (3.10 miles) approx.

  • Area: 6.55sq km (4 sq miles) approx.

  • Circumference Length: 16 km (10 miles) approx.

  • Average width: 1.25 km (1 mile) approx.



The climate of Gibraltar is considerably affected by local topography and the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Because of its location, on the edge of Europe, close to Africa and as guardian of the strait, linking the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Gibraltar is at a place of meteorological extremes.

Gibraltar's weather is governed by winds that blow through the strait from easterly or westerly directions. In summer, the mainly dry season, the wind from the east or ‘levante’ brings warm and humid conditions and generates a rather persistent 'Rock top' cloud that hangs over the city area. Sea fog is not uncommon on these occasions. The westerly wind, however, brings hot, clear and mostly dry weather. Summer is dry and warm with an average of 10.5 hours of sunshine per day.

The summer drought frequently lasts 90 consecutive days. The temperature in summer ranges from 27 - 34°C. Winter in Gibraltar can be a mixture of mild, wet and cool weather. On average only 30% of days are classified as 'wet', although rainfall amounts can be variable in the extreme. The temperature in winter ranges from 10 -18°C.



The official language is English and all residents follow the British education curriculum, sitting their GSCE's and A'Levels as they would in mainland UK. However, Spanish is widely spoken, in fact it is the unusual unofficial ‘dialect’ call ‘Yanito’, a mixture of English, Spanish and some Italian words, which is frequently spoken among the locals.

To some outsiders who only speak either English or Spanish, 'Yanito' may sound vaguely familiar, as speakers appear to switch languages in mid-sentence. One feature of the language is the pronunciation of English words with a Spanish intonation. All Gibraltarians, also speak standard Spanish when conversing with Spanish speakers.

It seems that, in the first decades of the 19th century, 'Yanito'  was full of Genoese words, later substituted mainly by Spanish and some English words. There has been a Jewish community in Gibraltar for many years and this has resulted in a significant Jewish influence on the language.


The first bank notes issued in Gibraltar date back to 1914 and the legal tender in Gibraltar is Gibraltar Government Sterling notes and coinage, although United Kingdom sterling notes and coinage are equally welcome. Sterling is always considered at par with local tender. Credit cards and Euros are widely accepted.

However, should you wish to exchange your foreign currency there are plenty of banks and Bureaux de Change that will charge no commission on the exchange of bank notes. Although most places will generally offer the same exchange rate, if you are changing significant amounts it is advisable to search for the cheapest rate going. It is also recommended that when paying in a foreign currency at a private business that you ask at what rate you will be charged.



EMERGENCY ONLY (Mobiles) 122
Fire and Ambulance 190

Local Directory Enquiries 11811
International Directory Enquiries 11888

Royal Gibraltar Police (non emergency) +350 200 72500

Fire Department (non emergency) +350 200 79507

Ambulance Service (non emergency) +350 200 77390

St Bernard's Hospital +350 200 79700

Primary Care Centre +350 200 72355

Museum +350 200 74805

Taxi +350 200 70027

Cable Car bottom station +350 200 12765

Gibraltar Customs Department +350 200 78879

Airport enquiries +350 200 12345

Clamp towaway +350 200 76999

Customs enquiries +350 200 78879

Gibraltar Veternary Clinic +350 200 77334

Passport Office +350 200 76945

Post Office +350 200 75624

Births, Marriages and Deaths  +350 200 72289

Companies and trademarks +350 200 78193

Civil Status, Passports, Visas  +350 200 71543



The Main Guard, 13 John Mackintosh Square

Tel: +350 200 45000 / +350 200 74950

Opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 16:30
Sat: 09:30 – 15:30
Sun: 10:00 – 13:00
Public holidays: 10:00 – 13:00


Customs Building, Winston Churchill Avenue
Tel: +350 200 50762

Opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 16:30
Sat, Sun & public holidays: Closed


North Mole, Gibraltar
Tel: +350 200 47071
Opening times: When vessel is in port, see monthly schedule on

*Information courtesy of Gibraltar Tourist Board*

  • New Year's Day - Mon 1st Jan

  • Commonwealth Day - Mon 21st Feb

  • Good Friday - Fri 15th Apr

  • Easter Monday - Mon 18th April

  • Workers' Memorial - Thu 28th Apr

  • May Day - Mon 2nd May

  • Spring Bank Holiday - Thu 2nd Jun

  • Platinum Jubilee - Fri 3rd Jun

  • Queen's Birthday - Mon 13th Jun

  • Summer Bank Holiday - Mon 29th Aug

  • Gib National Day - Mon 12th Sep

  • Christmas Day - Mon 26th December

  • Boxing Day - Tue 27th December



The Expert’s

Guide to the
Rock of Gibraltar

"All good things come in little packages"

- Tito Vallejo

(Gibraltar Historian)


History Tours

In the Mighty Rock

"Very exciting!"

- Edward Macquisten

(Chief Executive, Chamber of Commerce)

Trend Alert

Free City Tours

"The concept of a city tour where there is no set charge and tourists show their appreciation by leaving a tip is becoming increasingly popular across Europe and beyond. An increase in budget-conscious travel, a growth of savvy operators, and the ease of word-of-mouth internet marketing is helping drive the trend."

- The Guardian


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